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The Kristen Boss Podcast

Jan 11, 2021

Have you noticed that when you want to change something about yourself, your health, or your business, that it’s usually something you hate or are frustrated about?

We want to change and ‘fix’ things about ourselves from a place of frustration by using negative self-talk. Spoiler alert: that doesn’t work. We have to love ourselves exactly how we are right now, and create goals and take action from that love.

Kristen’s going deeper into “loving what is” and how this shift is the key to hitting all of your life and business goals:


  • What does it mean to ‘love what is’
  • How you can love yourself now by loving ‘what is’ and still have a desire to change
  • The difference between acceptance and complacency
  • How setting a goal from a place of judgement and not loving your present reality will push you into hustle
  • The 3 questions to ask yourself to get into a state of loving
  • Why you must be willing to feel the spectrum of emotions to move towards your big goals
  • How to have deep love for yourself, your present clients, your future clients, and your business


As you’ll learn from this episode, there are a lot of parallels between health goals and business goals. And just like you can’t shame yourself into losing 30lbs, you can’t shame yourself into hitting  your next revenue goal.


You have to start accepting and loving where you are--by loving what is.


For show notes and more visit the episode webpage:


And if you’re ready to learn the simple process to running your social selling business online, you have to check out my new program!


The Social Selling Academy:


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