Feb 28, 2022
Many people join the network marketing business model because they want something better for their families. Whether it’s the ability to work from home or the extra income, it’s easy to see why it’s so inviting. But juggling the needs of a successful business and your family can be difficult even on the best...
Feb 21, 2022
How many times have you uttered the words should or need when talking about your network marketing business? I should post more, I should engage with more people. I need to hit the next rank, I need to create my systems. Have you ever noticed what feelings come up when you start with the shoulds and needs? If you’re...
Feb 14, 2022
Recruiting others to join your team can often feel intimidating, especially if you haven’t sold yourself on your ability to lead. You might be thinking that you’re not qualified to lead a team until you hit a certain rank or spend more time tweaking your systems. But the truth is - you have everything you need to...
Feb 7, 2022
How many of you have received cold messages from someone else in the industry and thought to yourself, that’s so gross? Little did you know that this tiny thought can open up a can of worms that can cause significant issues within your own business.
When the judgment of others and how they sell occupy space in your...